H3's Wish List
We will gratefully accept any Equine related items you no longer need. All items will be used by our riders and horse partners in H3's Equine Assisted Therapy program.

Riding Equipment and Safety Gear​
3 gently used Western saddles: sizes 17 to 19 inch.
Padded Western cinches like from Professional's Choice, Reinsman latigo cinch tie strap and offside latigo straps (3 to 4 sets)
3 gently used English saddles with cinches, S-stirrups of various sizes, and saddle blankets with foam form
Reinsman rubber saddle blankets, 1 for each saddle
4 sets of Waverly leathered rounded edge reigns
5 ASTEM/SEI certified riding helmets of various makes: sizes XS to XL
Halters and leads for all horses: leather or nylon
Feed and Care Products
Alfalfa bails (ideally, assistance with1 pallet/month)
Grain to feed 7 horses/month
Various horse care products like fly sprays, fly masks, mineral licks, mane detangler etc.
Various supplements for preventative care like Omega supplements
Services (complimentary or discounted appreciated)
Veterinary: sick visits, preventative visits
Farrier: hoof trims
Legal/lawyers: review and compose legal documents etc.
Electrical: labor and materials to provide power to our new onsite office